Friends Survey

Read through the comments below about your friend (that's me, in this case; you didn't know we were friends?) and then follow the instructions at the bottom. Have fun!

  1. What time is it?
1:52 pm
  2. What's your full name?
Keera Ann Fox (not exactly a secret)
  3. What are you most afraid of?
Spiders, heights, and being helpless
  4. What was the last movie that you saw in a theater?
  5. Place of birth:
Long Beach, California - because its hospital was the closest, according to my mom
  6. Favorite food
Stuff that didn't originate in Norway, with the exception of brunost
  7. What's your natural hair color?
The one I have now: Ash brown
  8. Ever been to Alaska?
  9. Ever been toilet paper rolling?
What's that?
  10. Love someone so much it made you cry?
Yes, I'm happy to say
  11. Been in a car accident?
Not really. Was in the car at the time my mother hit that lady's garage post but can't say it was an accident so much as sudden parking. And I wasn't in the car when my dad drove over me when I was two. I only got a nice print of the tire tread across my chest, no injuries. No, the print faded long ago, so no photo. Thanks for asking.
  12. Croutons or bacon bits:
  13. Favorite day of the week:
Friday. Still.
  14. Favorite restaurant:
McDonald's (shaddup)
  15. Favorite Flower:
Rose. Always and forever the rose. Doesn't mean I don't like others, like tulips and fuscias and bluebells. I am simply partial to the rose. Even after finding a spider in one once. I've been wondering about that: Why would a spider crawl into a big, red rose and sit in the middle of it, hidden from view, risking interruption from bees and noses? Are roses the favorite flower of spiders, too?
  16. Favorite sports to watch:
Parking space races. I'm the rabbit because I take short cuts through the parking lot. Cars follow me thinking I'm headed for my own car to leave. (Ha!) The winner is the first guy to realize I'm just a pedestrian.
  17. Favorite drink:
  18. Favorite ice cream:
Ice cream is overrated. I haven't had any in my freezer since 1989, when I was expecting guests who like the stuff. If you must serve me ice cream, something with nuts would be nice.
  19. Disney or Warner Brothers:
WB more than WD.
  20. Ever been on a ship?
Yes, and more than once, too.
  21. What color is your bedroom carpet?
Motley blue.
  22. How many times did you fail your driver's test?
Once. Wasn't my fault, neither. Nuh-uh. I got bawled out by the DMV dude and you just can't go around bawling out 16-year-olds who are already nervous wrecks and then expect them not to make that unscheduled right turn into the gas station because you confused them with first grumbling that teenagers shouldn't be allowed to drive and then saying to turn left. So I couldn't find a left right when you said turn left and therefore turned right, and then you told me you meant at the intersection. Well, duh, dude, I made a left out of the gas station, didn't I? Into a 6-lane boulevard, no less. And you failed me, anyway. Well, your much younger and much nicer colleague didn't fail me the next time I tried, so there.
  23. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail?
    I never got this as an e-mail. But my last e-mail was from some lady wanting me to check out another lady taking her clothes off.
  24. What do you do when you are bored?
This. (I have to go with the G-rated answer here.)
  25. Bedtime:
Self-imposed 9:30-ish. Wish I never had to have one, though.
  26. Who will respond to this [post] the quickest?
Probably Miz UV. She's fast!
  27. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond?
Those other thousands of readers my blog stats claim I have.
  28. Who is the person that you are most curious to see their responses?
Let me fix that for you: "Who is the person whose responses you are most curious to see?" It's not great, but it's more correct than it was. Now, what was the question?
  29. Favorite TV show:
    The Muppet Show.
  30. Last person you went to dinner with:
    Co-worker. Worked overtime. Can't remember what we ate, but it gave me gas.
  31. Who do you think will be President?
    The person who bribes the electorates or the voting machine company.
  32. What are your favorite colors?
    Periwinkle, Crimson red, Cornflower blue, and Cerise. To wear. I tend to avoid reds and use golds in home decorating.
  33. How many tattoos do you have?
None. Not likely to get any, either.
  34. How many pets do you have?
    Currently, 43. If I get off my butt and grab the vacuum cleaner, I can reduce that number to 8. I never can get rid of all the dust bunnies at once.
  35. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
Oh, wait. I know this one. Somebody actually figured out it was the egg, because any genetic mutation is going to emerge there, not in the adult chicken.
  36. What do you want to do before you die?
Get all the answers. And I do mean all. I think I'll do it, too. I already have that chicken-egg thing answered.
  37. Have you ever been to Hawaii
No, but I want to.
  38. Have you been to countries outside the U.S.
Yes. I'm in one of them now. Let's make that question a little less US-centric, shall we? "Have you ever travelled outside your own country?"
  39. How many people are you sending this [post] to?
None. It's not e-mail, y'know.
  40. Time this survey ended:
2:54 pm. Takes a while to dig up the code for favorite colors, look for typos, fix questions and fetch another cup of coffee, you see.

Now it's your turn. Copy/paste the questions and give your own answers, and post on your own blog, or in the comments of this blog.

The theory is that you will learn a lot of little known facts about those who know you. Let's test that theory!

(Copy/pasted from Gekko herself)


Paula said…
1. What time is it?
-7:45 am

2. What's your full name?
-Paula Ann Light (close enough!)

3. What are you most afraid of?
-Death, drowning, r*aches

4. What was the last movie that you saw in a theater?
-The Kite Runner

5. Place of birth:
-White Plains, NY

6. Favorite food
-Sushi, pasta, cupcakes

7. What's your natural hair color?
-Boring brown

8. Ever been to Alaska?

9. Ever been toilet paper rolling?

10. Love someone so much it made you cry?
-Yep, and then I shot him. I hate crying.

11. Been in a car accident?
-A couple fender-benders

12. Croutons or bacon bits:

13. Favorite day of the week:
-Monday. I like beginnings.

14. Favorite restaurant:
-Matsu in Huntington Beach

15. Favorite Flower:

16. Favorite sports to watch:
-Ice skating

17. Favorite drink:
-Hot tea w/milk

18. Favorite ice cream:
-Rum raisin, coffee, cookie dough

19. Disney or Warner Brothers:

20. Ever been on a ship?
-I'm not sure. I've taken short cruises on large boats. Jeff says we had dinner on a ship in Hawaii. Okay.

21. What color is your bedroom carpet?
-Off-white tweedy stuff.

22. How many times did you fail your driver's test?

23. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail?

24. What do you do when you are bored?

25. Bedtime:
-Around 10

26. Who will respond to this [post] the quickest?

27. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond?

28. Who is the person that you are most curious to see their responses?
-George Clooney

29. Favorite TV show:

30. Last person you went to dinner with:
-Jeff, the kids, Mom&Dad

31. Who do you think will be President?

32. What are your favorite colors?
-Lime green, turquoise, pink, brown (wear); animal prints (decorate).

33. How many tattoos do you have?

34. How many pets do you have?

35. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
-Egg, dur

36. What do you want to do before you die?
-Live forever

37. Have you ever been to Hawaii
-Yep, thrice -- it's great!

38. Have you been to countries outside the U.S.?
-St. Martin

39. How many people are you sending this [post] to?

40. Time this survey ended: 8:06 am
Keera Ann Fox said…
I knew you'd be fast, but you still amazed me with just how fast!

I'm gonna post a picture of an orchid, just for you, tomorrow. :-)

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