5 trivial things about me

According to Paula I must write five things about myself:

  1. My throat needs a facial. Or whatever they call facials done to the throat area.
  2. I subscribed to TIME magazine last summer, read three issues, then fell behind. Still falling behind on my reading as in I have no clue what's been going on in TIME for the last three months.
  3. I don't make my bed at all. This is because I believe in airing out the dust mites. I can't see them, but I'm told they are there and if I can take God on faith alone, I guess I can do that with dust mites, so I roll back my "dyne" (down comforter to you non-Norwegians) to the foot of my bed, letting most of my mattress air for the day.
  4. I'm due for a haircut and can't make up my mind if I want to let my hair keep growing or lop it all off. I do want to look fantabulous for my anniversary party.
  5. I was putting laundry away in another room and found an old bottle of "Rose D'Or" nail polish. I've been having fun polishing nine long nails and one short nail in a deep rose color.
  6. The nail most likely to break is the one on my right middle finger. No, not from flipping people off.
  7. I can't count to five.


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