Blogrolls and such

I do like blogrolls. During more bored moments, I will surf the entire menu of links on someone's blog and sometimes discover a few gems. But I did like Paula's idea about not having a blogroll for two reasons: 1) It's no longer a list of who's in and who's out (for those folks saddled with such problems), and 2) Less maintainance. I manage my template manually and that's one reason why I don't tweak links and such all that often.

So instead: I give you the link to my page o' blogs (some are in Norwegian, too, and a lot have to do with web design). As of this writing, there are 64 links under that tag. (And already I can see I need to update.)


Paula said…
That's cool. I'm going to follow up my non-blogrolling with Google sharing of posts or sites I find especially interesting, cute, etc. Have to set that up.
Anonymous said…
I've often considered doing the same. Now that I've returned a little, I think I just very well might.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Paula, I look forward to that. Now meet the next person you've inspired:

Tim, nice to have you back in the world of blog!
Webmiztris said…
I ditched my blogroll weeks ago, although I never wrote anything re: doing so, and now everyone is following the trend? awesome. :)

I was sick of people asking to trade links or getting pissy because I didn't reciprolink or whatever. It wasn't worth the headache....
Keera Ann Fox said…
Yabbut, you still link to me in secret, right? ;-)
Kos said…
Hmm. I may just have to follow all y'all's leads. I like having a link to links via, so maybe I'll do that.
Keera Ann Fox said…
This is becoming quite the bandwagon! :-)
Paula said…
I give Dawn credit for putting the idea in my head a while back, though I didn't do it until I started getting into all the Google extras. After a week or so of this, I can report that my online experience has improved tremendously, and now I have way more time to surf for kitty porn.

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