Who makes me think

Eep! I've been tagged! By Mark. So here are five blog(ger)s that make me think:

Mark hisself. We have some things in common but we don't necessarily process the same way, and so I can't just sit back and assume. I've discovered I can't even make assumptions about myself.

Alice because she keeps abreast of stuff, and keeps me informed (and even on my toes). And she inspires me with her photography.

Sravana and her spiritual blog (she has another "everyday" one) because although we are on the same sort of journey, we process differently, and I enjoy that difference.

Emily, because she has managed to pull me into her world and see Norway all over again - from the outside. It's a balancing act, staying happy in a country so very different from the US and Emily's experience with it is quite different from mine, so there is a lot she can teach me.

Gretchen and her Happiness Project. The more I read it, the more I discover I can learn from it. I initially linked to it from my other blog because I thought it might be useful to others. Turns out, I'm "others", too.

Those who want to, may consider themselves tagged. :-)


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