A bit more about the new header

A bit more. HA! Haven't told you a thing, have I. OK, well, now I'm going to tell you.

I enjoyed making my own masthead or whatever it's called (header, right). There's a feeling, when you finally get The Idea, and it just Works. You know you can run with it, you know you can create it, you know you can make it exist outside of your head. And so I had great joy in finding the elements I wanted, and each one led to a new inspiration that gave me another element. No frustration - just pure creative process. Man, that felt good!

Against the backdrop of stars, which are the Stars of the Galactic Center, there are, from right to left: Fox gloves, the blue marble of home, my neighbor's cat (because I wanted an animal), Leonardo da Vinci's Vitruvian Man (because it's one of the coolest drawings I know and also because Vitruvian Man definitely looks like he could roll in the universe), me with one of my favorite items (no, not the mirror), and at the far left, my grandma's palm, severely lined from existing for over 90 years. By the way, it's not your life line that shows how long you'll live, but your head line. The life line shows physical constitution, but the head line shows your mental health, your attitude. Grandma's head line kept deepening and lengthening with age till it crossed her palm completely. Anyway, I like the idea that Grandma still has a hand in my life. :-)

But every artist must first have an inspiration, and mine was "The Muppet Show". Plowing through season 1 yet again on DVD, this time with comments turned on, Mildred Hockstedder's remark struck me as the perfect mission statement/new blog title. Because while you're looking for your role in the universe, enjoy a roll. The universe is one awesome and beautiful playground!


SolSionnach said…
Keera wrote: By the way, it's not your life line that shows how long you'll live, but your head line. The life line shows physical constitution, but the head line shows your mental health, your attitude.

Well. I guess I'm going to die young. :P
My head line barely makes it to my ring finger, but it does fork on my L hand, and that fork makes it to the mound of the moon. My R hand, not so much. But there is a line from the R mound of the moon that crosses both my head and heart line. I wonder if that counts?
Paula said…
That's cool. I'm thinking what mine might be like if I did one. (Not going to, just thinking...)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Sravana, you didn't finish reading, did you. ;-) Grandma's head line kept deepening and lengthening with age till it crossed her palm completely. Her life line didn't change, though.

Paula, did one what? A roll in the universe? :-D

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