Visual DNA

This has been making the rounds and at first I didn't want to follow the crowd. In a fit of curiosity, though, I went to the site. It's a personality test! And the choices don't necessarily lead to the conclusion you may think. When you're done, a book pops up with a description of your moods, idea of fun, etc. and I found it to be quite accurate in its description of me. The comments as the pictures flash by are mine. (Via Gekko.)


Kos said…
I put coffee for vice, but I bite the hell out of my fingernails too!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Coffee ain't a vice. ;-) I bite my cuticles, actually, but it looks the same.
Paula said…
I'm apparently a "new wave Puritan" for saying cigarettes are gross. Or maybe it's cuz I like to drink tea? Wotever!
Keera Ann Fox said…
I was wondering where the Puritan bit came from. ;-)

Is there something wrong with me for not thinking a man's hairy back is gross? I did wonder about choosing the botox one. That was the only thing close to gross for me, but the picture itself wasn't gross, so I got conflicted.

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