Horsey, too!

Sravana did this so I did this, too, and got tickled by the result because horses are associated with my Sun sign, Sagittarius.

What Is Your Animal Personality?

Take this quiz!

UPDATE: I knew I'd used this title for a blogpost before and finally tripped over it. Hence change in title of this blog.


Paula said…
Puma! I love it. Check blog. :)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Puma suits you. :-)
Anonymous said…
Eg fekk og hest :P Klem ifra Edderkoppbeina
Keera Ann Fox said…
Næh! Så gøy! Klem fra monsterbeina!
Deadman said…
How's MISTER Ed?
Keera Ann Fox said…
He can speak for himself.
Deadman said…
Good comeback!

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