Clever girl!

That is to say, I am very clever at taking IQ tests.

Testriffic IQ test

(Swiped from Paula.)


Paula said…
Cool. I haven't seen anyone top 147 so far. WE RULE!!
Deadman said…
Oh shut up, Paula. I was exhausted when I took it. You probably got to take it first thing in the morning after your lengthy beauty sleep (which shows, BTW).

Keera Ann Fox said…
I actually considered not taking the test since I wasn't feeling quite perky, but decided it's just for a laugh, anyway, so I took it. Aren't you glad I didn't take it after my beauty sleep, Mark? ;-)
Deadman said…
Oh shut up, Keera.

I don't think either of you need any beauty sleep.

Keera Ann Fox said…
Have I told you you're sexy when you're angry? ;-)
Anonymous said…
I heiane!! Har alltid visst at du var smart då :D Du har 20 mer i IQ enn meg jo :P og 10 mer enn papen

Kjempe klem fra en liten luring! Du har monsterbeeeein!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Jeg kjenner bare glupe folk. ;-) Og har monsterbein. :-D
Paula said…
Tee hee! (Thanks, Mark.)
Anonymous said…
Øh.. eg meinte egentlig... 30 mer enn pappa... O_o Eg tror eg må legge meg... lol
Keera Ann Fox said…
Det er vanskelig å være glup når en er trøtt. Da er det lettere å bare være vakker. ;-)
Deadman said…
Det er glup bare vaere trott Da er vakker!

Hey, I just thought I'd join the fun!

Cute when I'm angry? Aw, shucks!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Not only that, but I think you'd get away with trying that line on a Norwegian girl. That should make up for not being a genius. ;-)
Deadman said…
LOL - There was a time, long ago....well, not THAT long!


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