Tidying, organizing, sorting, sunset

I have umpteen photos from a couple of vacations to sort through and share on the web. I have many other photos that I'd like to share with all of you so I joined Flickr. The sorting and deciding still needs to be done. In the meantime, another sunset (hi, Max!). This one was taken about 75 minutes earlier in the evening than the one on July 7. The days are getting shorter. I'm looking forward to the darker evenings. They make it easier to justify staying indoors sorting photos.


Keera Ann Fox said…
I have a picture of a pair of egrets sitting in the top of some pine trees. Taken from across a cove with my old camera, so unless I tell you they're there, you wouldn't know. That's also why I decided I want to get a better camera.

Looking forward to Venus!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Thanks! Looking forward to it!

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