More blue tits

Experimenting with my camera (i.e. RTFM), I found settings that helped me capture the extremely small and quick blue tits better. But my best shots came with the aid of the neighbor's cat. He saw me up on my balcony and sat down underneath the birch tree with the nest box to watch me. I heard a new type of chirping from the tree, and realized it was the blue tits sounding an alert. Both parents were upset at the cat's proximity, and stayed in the tree above him, in hopes he'd leave (he hardly noticed the birds). I finally got something else to take a picture of besides "westbound butt"/"eastbound head" as they entered and exited the nest box.


Anonymous said…
Oooh! You even got one with something in its beak! And what a beautiful day...
Keera Ann Fox said…
Thanks, Max!

Alice, they were interrupted by the cat below (same thing, different cat today), and didn't dare enter the nest box to feed the babies. So food in mouth, while trying to scare the cat. Optimists.
SolSionnach said…
I heart blue tits!
(heck of a lot better than blue balls, hyuk hyuk hyuk)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Like 'possums have? ;-)

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