Day of the unexpected

Reported at 12:35 pm today, was a traffic accident caused by a drunk who suddenly staggered out onto a local highway, forcing two cars to avoid him but hitting each other. About a half hour later, an SAS jet had to make a swan dive shortly after taking off from Bergen's airport in order to avoid a small private plane. At 3:40 pm in Oslo, the accelerator on a passenger bus got hung up and police had to clear traffic to give the runaway a chance to stop, which it finally did.

These not common occurrences in Norway got my attention mainly because they all happened so closely together. The chart for today shows an exact square between Sun and Uranus. Astrologers say that with Uranus you must always expect the unexpected.


Keera Ann Fox said…
No, it wasn't bad. I could poke around the chart to see why, but there were also aspects suggesting trouble. I think Sun-Uranus may simply not be too problematic. Drama without drawing blood.

Thved is sooner Bulgarian than norsk.
Keera Ann Fox said…
I'm happily oblivious these days unless something really catches my attention.

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