The late spring of 2006

We had a light covering of snow and 7 weeks of freezing temperatures through February and March, and then we thawed, but just barely. Finally, this first week of May, weather mild enough to encourage growth appeared. In fact, as I write, we are enjoying summer temperatures! Rather odd to have 22C and still-naked trees, but neither will last long. At long last - signs of spring! I found several, including the delicate white wood anemones, the birch's "mouse ears", and some assorted other buds and new leaves, even a tree with yellow flowers. Enjoy!


Anonymous said…
Lovely! Great photos. Thanks for taking us along on your walk!!! :-D
Keera Ann Fox said…
Thank you! I am very happy at how the pictures turned out. They are pretty much as the camera captured them: One cooled a bit in color, one brightened, and one sharpened. That's it.
SolSionnach said…
Very nice, Keera!
I took some photos today (of something other than my dog's foot!), and posted one. I'm not that happy with how they came out, but I think that some of them are interesting.

It looks like spring has sprung in Norway! We're having damned thunderstorms (lots with hail) every night for about the last week. :P I'm ready for this to be over, and the heat of summer! (did I just say that? y.i.k.e.s.)
Keera Ann Fox said…
I've found that I have to get retrained as a photographer, and a digital camera is a great retrainer. I like your photo of the herb jars.

I can't make up my mind if I like summer heat before I've even had spring. I feel confused. But at least I'm no longer cold at night.
SolSionnach said…
Wow! very nice flowers at the top of the blog! How did you do that in Blogger?

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