Wet, picture of

A year ago we started on what was to be one of the wettest late autumns/early winters in Bergen's history. This picture was taken then, while sitting on the bus. And now I've also tested Blogger's picture-uploading-thingy.


Anonymous said…
As it would happen, we're have what I believe is the driest autumn here since I moved to Chattanooga. The fall colors are really suffering as a result (as are my mums!).

Nice photo!

Keera Ann Fox said…
Thanks! I'm rather pleased with it myself. In what way is the dry affecting the colors? Gonna put a picture of it on your blog?
Anonymous said…
You can't really tell from the photo that I put up yesterday, but a lot of the trees in the area never really turned to their usual fall colors. It's been so dry that a lot of the leaves have skipped the autumn color and just dried up and fallen off.

Another weird thing is that my dog normally really suffers with fall allergies, but she hasn't had any problems this year. OTOH, I usually breeze right through the autumn, symtom-free, but the past month or so has been pretty itchy for me for some reason. It's definitely different from what we're used to, allergen-wise, and hopefully just a fluke.

Keera Ann Fox said…
Nothing's normal this year. A summary from the Norwegian weather bureau shows that they really struggled with getting long-range forecasts (5-10 days) right this past summer - a first. We've been breaking heat records all autumn. Too early to tell yet if this is the new norm. But I'm tired of the rain, already.

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