40 questions (as it turns out)
Stolen from Ultraviolet
- 1. Name the last four things you have bought:
- Ack, my darned attention deficiency! Uhm, oh! Bejeweled 2 for my Zire 72, and, ah... Can we do last four things I actually remember? OK, new mouse with right button and scroll wheel and pretty little yellow and orange fishes on a blue background; Christmas decorations for my Mom and a friend and a big Christmas ornament showing Bryggen for me, and, er, oh, the groceries. (Hrmph. Nobody said it'd be on the test.)
- 2. Name four drinks you regularly drink:
- Easy! Coffee, coffee, coffee and water.
- 3. Last time you cried?
- If almost counts, last night. If actual tears, then day before yesterday, when I laughed so hard, I cried. Good ol' fashioned bawl? Last year, I think.
- 4. What's in your CD player?
- Cat fur. CDs play well in spite of that.
- 5. What's under your bed?
- You don't wanna go there. Trust me.
- 6. What time did you wake up today?
- What? I was supposed to notice the time? I can tell you when I got up: 10:48 am.
- 7. Current hair?
- See pic on homepage.
- 8. Current clothes?
- Chocolate brown sweater with my gold dolphin pin and baggy beige pants not suitable for public appearances, but ever so comfy.
- 9. Current desktop picture?
- *grin* A picture of Bryggen taken Wednesday.
- 10. Current worry?
- Right this minute? Not a one.
- 11. Current hate?
- The holiday season though it's more of a disgruntlement than a hate.
- 12. Favorite places to be?
- In the sofa, with a good movie on the TV, and my cat in my lap, or having a great conversation with good friends. Or in the middle of a gorgeous landscape, watching a gorgeous sunset.
- 13. Least favorite place?
- My own negative thoughts.
- 14. If you could play an instrument?
- Whadya mean, "if"? I used to strum the gitar and blow a clarinet. Now I don't care if I can or not.
- 15. Favorite color?
- A sort of lavender blue: #9988FF-ish
- 16. How tall are you?
- 5 feet 4 inches or 163 cm. Still.
- 17. Favorite expression?
- Like motto or saying or just what pops out of my mouth without thinking? No motto, no saying, and that last is "cool".
- 18. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to:
- My grandpa.
- 19. Favorite day?
- Friday.
- 20. Where would you like to go?
- To the kitchen, to get a glass of water.
- 21. Where do you want to live when you get married?
- ...Married?
- 22. Favorite food?
- Spaghetti.
- 23. Color of most clothes you own:
- Navy, dark brown, black, red.
- 24. Number of pillows you sleep with?
- One plump, one flat, side by side and my head on the crack.
- 25. What do you wear when you go to sleep:
- T-shirt, nightgown, anything that'll cover my shoulders.
- 26. What were you doing 12AM last night:
- Buying a bus ticket.
- 27. How old will you be in 10 yrs:
- 54. Ooh, that looks weird!
- 28. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years:
- Who the he** knows. I can't even tell you what I'll be doing in 10 days!
- 29. Do you have braces?
- No.
- 30. Are you paranoid?!
- No. ...Is that extra exclamation point there trying to get me?
- 31. Do you burn or tan?
- Both.
- 32. What is the brand of your wallet?
- Brand? You made me go look. What brand has a horse's head and neck, kind of like a chess piece, as a logo? Considering how old my wallet is, are they even still in business?
- 33. First piercing/tattoo?
- Ear lobes at age 13, the fun way, with a needle. Holes closed due to an infection, so I got pierced again at age 14, with a stud gun. Nothing else and wouldn't dream of it. Too much fuss and pain.
- 34. First enemy?
- Don't know of any. Nor am I anyone's enemy. I was bullied in school but never thought of my bullyers as enemies. I mostly thought of them as utter nuisances, idiots and wastes of skin.
- 35. Last person you yelled at?
- My cat. She's a person to me, and I took my frustrations last night out on her big time. I am so lucky, though. She never holds a grudge.
- 36. Last crush?
- Last night. Suddenly made eye contact with a drop-dead gorgeous guy. Have no clue who he was.
- 37. Last thing you ate?
- Spaghetti.
- 38. Does it bug you that this quiz ends at number 37?
- No.
- 39. Why?
- I was just starting to get bored.
- 40. How about 40?
- Now I'm bored. 42'd be cool, though.
To relieve any boredom you may have experienced reading the above, here's some creativity to enjoy: http://zoomquilt.machwerk.ws/zoom.htm It's cool!