A princess is born

The next one in line for the throne in Norway was born today. A girl. Her name will be announced tomorrow. She's already historical, since Norway hasn't had a queen in 600 years, and because until 1990, no female could be heir apparent to the throne. In 1990, the constitution was changed so that the first-born would be heir apparent, regardless of gender.

Anyway, here's the kid's chart. Born in Rikshospitalet (National hospital), Oslo, Norway, at 9:13 am CET.

And since I mouthed off on Usenet, I may as well repeat what I said there about my first take on the chart:

My take: Not only will she be queen, she'll probably be a lesbian, too. ;-)

Seriously: 12th house Sun and Saturn retrograde suggest an absent father. With a Capricorn Moon conjunct Sun in 12th, this little girl may find both of her parents emotionally unavailable. She may end up a party-girl like her mother, or maybe that 1st house Venus-Uranus conjunction will have more "hard-wired" effect. She certainly will hold her own with Mars in Aries, though the Neptune rising may keep people from seeing that side initially. She also may never ascend the throne or have to fight for it somehow, since ruler of her MC is retrograde and it squares her 10th house Pluto (interesting configuration for a future monarch, yes?).

I personally wonder if her father won't abdicate and (possibly) end the monarchy. The people aren't that keen on royals anymore.


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