Grabbed and tickled

Every once in a while, I come across something that really grabs my attention or tickles me in some way. A couple of things I've come across are a picture of a hole in the clouds (as well as the word virga[1]) at NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day site, which also offered this 360 degree view from the Moon in glorious 1970's black and white, followed by a similar, current view from Mars.

The clouds fascinated me. I have never seen or heard of such a phenomenon. And the Moon photograph fascinated me. I spent a good while looking at it, thinking how lovely the Moon looked, and probably subconsciously remembering the excitement of the lunar missions from my childhood. I can't say the picture of Mars grabbed me in the same way. I looked at it and thought, "Well, we finally get a good look – and it's boring." I may feel differently later, but that was my first impression.

Finally, this last tickle from the Internet Movie Database site. I was watching "The Maltese Falcon" on TV and looked it up on IMDb. What grabbed me is this statement from the goofs page: "Cairo's tie changes from polka-dotted to striped when Sam Spade hits him." What a hit!


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