Miss me?

Yesterday I spent a while troubleshooting my boss's computer. Then I simply had work to do. Have hardly been home with my computer there these last few days. Been busy visiting my grandma in the hospital and taking care of things for her.

I like the bus ride to the hospital. The bus takes me through Bergen's more exclusive part of town, Kalfaret. A tree-lined street with old gardens leads to a view of the city from the south. Kalfaret is old homes, old money, mansions, style, times gone by, a breather in a modern, efficient, right-angled life. I usually don't have any business in that part of town so I'm enjoying the sightseeing.

There have been some tourists on the bus, too, because the hospital is right next to a tourist attraction: The lower station of Ulriksbanen, a cable car that takes you to the top of Bergen's highest mountain, Ulriken. http://radiobergen.org/ulriken/cablecar.htm.

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