September blessings

This is basically a list, a gratitude list. Because in the midst of nearly feeling overwhelmed by everything going on in September, I have discovered something: People helping me.

  • The tradesman doing the tiling, also closed off the door to my bedroom and left the bedroom side looking very nice
  • The same tradesman also washed the lobby floor in my building for me, unasked, to get rid of the concrete dust
  • A couple of good friends lent me a key to their house, and let me come and go when I didn't have a toilet at home
  • The reflexologist I'm now seeing for my frozen shoulder, is giving me appointments outside her regular office hours, I've discovered
  • I'm ahead on my self-study course in insurance so I don't have to worry about keeping up
  • Another friend reminded me that I'm allowed to get all excited about my own creativity and seeing it come to life. I'd forgotten that grown-ups are allowed to jump up and down with joy. (See pic.)

And somebody helped my mom get a nice and cheaper place this month when she got a rent hike that was a bit too much.

Tiling in renovated bathroom

All in all, I'm feeling a lot better, and even loved. Now, here's a picture of my nearly-finished bathroom, with the floor I designed.


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