Wordless Wednesday - Midsummer


Paula said…
Ooh, what's this?
alice said…
Oooh! I keep wanting to have a fire out back, but even in the evening, it's too hot!!!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Paula, it's a traditional Scandinavian Midsummer's Eve bonfire. We had a Midsummer's Eve party in my neighborhood.

Alice, you could play a movie of a crackling fire. I have such a DVD. ;-)
Elyrest said…
Midsummer already!! It seems as if I was just scraping ice off the car windows. Now, if the rain will just stop, we can enjoy the flowers, fresh fruit & vegetables, and lazy days in the sun. Mmmmmmmm!

Hope your summer is lovely, Keera.

Keera Ann Fox said…
Thank you, Ellen!

A month later, and we're having a lovely heatwave, so can't complain about how it's turning out.

I hope the rest of your summer is enjoyable. :-)
Jono said…
It was lovely when I was there. Very sorry to have missed you.
A Dust said…
I don't comment nearly enough here. But just to bring you up to speed on my current thinking -- your blog and your pictures are a favorite spot of mine out here in the internet wilderness.

Oh, well, that was my thinking that last time you heard from me, too. So, then, not much change after all...
Keera Ann Fox said…
Jono, I'm glad you enjoyed your trip to my neck of the woods. Maybe we'll meet some other time.

D/, I'm happy you drop by, no matter what you say. :-)

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