Wordless Wednesday - Winter hangs on


Elyrest said…
I just got back from a trip to my hometown in rural and woodsy Pennsylvania. I awoke to snow both Monday and Tuesday mornings there this week. All the snow will be gone by the end of April though and soon I'll be smelling lilacs - one of nature's nicest gifts in Spring.

alice said…
Let go, winter!!! It's time... ;-)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Ellen, I love lilacs! I wish there were more of them where I live.

Alice, we still have snow on the ground. I'm getting tired of it.

I'm not tired of the sunshine, but in order for the snow to leave, the sun must too. Clouds and milder temps are moving in. Ah, well, I'm ready for green!
alice said…
Much to look forward to! We've had a couple of really warm days, and our trees are just pushing out their green buds. Everything is taking on a thick yellow layer of pollen, which should get washed out when some storms and cooler air roll through tomorrow evening. Every year -- I never tire of watching -- it's so exciting to see everything wake up in the spring! :-)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Ah, yes, pollen. We're wondering if the birch will have sprung out by May 17. We like to decorate with freshly sprung sprigs of birch for our national holiday. The light green looks fantastic with the red, white and blue!

It's downright weird, though, having daylight until 9 pm and snow. 'Taint right.
alice said…
Agreed. It's been a really weird spring everywhere. It was very slow to come here, too. Surely it will be in full swing by syttende mai, though! It sounds like a lovely palette!

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