Wordless Wednesday - Candle creativity


Jono said…
I take it there was a draft in that part of the room. Cool result!
Zuzana said…
Great natural art, my candles often look this way too, but not as elaborative.;)
Thank you for visiting me - and you know what, I have already been trying to change my hair colour for the past year - went from black to chocolate brown.;) And am almost there.;)
alice said…
Candle yoga!!! ;-D
Keera Ann Fox said…
Jono, I'm not sure why the candle did that. First time. Maybe a new hobby? See Alice's comment. ;-)

Zuzana, if there's one thing a woman will change, it's her hair color! :-D

Alice, I wish I'd thought of that one! Clever! And descriptive.
Elyrest said…
Keera - I have looked at this photo many times and I keep seeing lips. Great big red wax lips like the kind I bought when I was a kid. Makes me want to go out and see if I can find some just to see if they smell, and taste, the same. It's a nice childhood memory. Thanks!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Elyrest, now that you mention it… :-) And you're welcome!

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