Wordless Wednesday - Soggy Saturday

Wordless Wednesday


Paula said…
Nice day for some hot cocoa and an almond scone!
Jono said…
Last time I crossed that street there was a lot more traffic. Of course, it was summer. And drier.
Elyrest said…
Almond scones! Mmmmm. That would be delightful Paula. My weather in Ohio looks just like this - rainy and cool. It feels nice after a long hot summer. I'll put off, for a while, all thoughts of winter and snow creeping up on us.
Zuzana said…
Hey Keera, long time no see. Did yo also have a really bad sumer in Norway?;)
Hope you ca say cosy during those soggy fall days.;)
Zuzana said…
ok, I mean can stay, not ca say.;)
alice said…
Great weather for the autumn garden!!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Paula, it definitely a good day for a hot drink of something!

Jono, it was oddly deserted that early on a Saturday. But later - !

Ellen, I wish we'd had a long, hot summer. It was plain ol' so-so.

Zuzana, nice to see you here! Oslo got a wetter summer than Bergen did, but I missed having some warmth.

Alice, if the garden's growing moss, it is. ;-)

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