Wordless Wednesday - Snow day!

Wordless Wednesday


Jono said…
It's beginning to look a lot like Winter. How's that for an ear worm?
Zuzana said…
Lucky you, we only got sleet.;))
alice said…
Yay!!! It looks beautiful!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Jono, I avoided the ear worm at first because those aren't the correct lyrics. Then I remembered...

Zuzana, "lucky" is a matter of definition: We had complete chaos on the roads for hours. But the following day, when the skies (and roads) cleared, it was perfect.

Alice, it was. :-)
Paula said…
How pretty with those wisps of pink!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Paula, they do add a bit of ambience, don't they. So I won't say what they are. Don't want to spoil it. :-)

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