Wordless Wednesday - Ripples

Wordless Wednesday


Jono said…
What a lovely shot!
Zuzana said…
The word could also be "reflection".;)
Do not know if you carry on with the American tradition in Norway, still, Happy Thanksgiving dear Keera.;))
Paula said…
Again, I love this. Could be a lovely peaceful photo, or foreboding... :)
alice said…
It looks so cold, but also so pretty!!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Thanks, Jono!

Zuzana, thank you. I don't do any American traditions in Norway. I didn't do Norwegian traditions when I lived in the US, either. I like to "go native". :-)

Paula, it does have a lot of potentials, doesn't it - all depending on where you put your focus. Good catch!

Alice, thanks! And there's a reason ducks have a good layer of fat on them. :-)

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