Wordless Wednesday - Shy sunset

Wordless Wednesday


Zuzana said…
It is not shy, it is sublime.;)) But oh, so lovely.;)
Thanks for your recent visit dear Keera,
Jon said…
No sails in the sunset. Sigh...
alice said…
Beautiful! You're so lucky to be on the coast!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Zuzana, so it is. :-)

Jon, thanks for the earworm. ;-)

Alice, thanks! Yes, I am lucky be on the coast - at least this coast, sheltered as it is from hurricanes and such. :-)
Bob said…
O I love the word shy. An Australian historian (now dead) said he had a small shy hope for an afterlife.
The picture is gorgeous and sweet.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Bob, I rather like that turn of phrase too: Shy hope.

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