Wordless Wednesday - Waiting for the thaw

Wordless Wednesday


alice said…
As you can see from my ww, our thaw has arrived. I hope yours comes soon!!
Jon said…
It was -12F when I got up this morning. It can't last much longer.
Zuzana said…
Is that a lake, then the tree is in trouble.;)
We are also waiting for a thaw.;) It should arrive tomorrow and they promise a spring like weekend.;))
Keera Ann Fox said…
I saw, Alice. It'll be at least a month before we see daffodils here.

Jon, we're experiencing milder winds, so it feels better even though we're still hovering around the freezing point.

Zuzana, it is a pond, and the tree is on a float. The problem (now) is that the ice isn't thick enough for the city employees to go out and take down what was our Christmas tree. They have to wait for a thaw. It shouldn't be long now. We're having above-zero nights now. It's still too early for spring proper, though.

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