Wordless Wednesday - I was on the green team

Wordless Wednesday


alice said…
Oh, I *so* want to try this!!!
Keera Ann Fox said…
The slide sole kept sliding sideways so I had trouble moving gracefully (and got sore muscles in interesting places ;-), but actually moving the stone along wasn't that hard. In fact, the hard part for me was not moving it too fast or hard. (It's not bowling, Keera!)

If some ice rink offers curling, get 8 people together and have at it! Get someone to give you instruction if you're all green, because knowing the rules and strategies makes the game more interesting.
alice said…
Hrmmm... an ice rink in the south... I wonder where the nearest hockey team plays...
Zuzana said…
You know how to play this? Great!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Heavens, no, Zuzana! I do not know how to play, only how to survive. ;-)

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