Wordless Wednesday - Ducks not in a row

Wordless Wednesday


Paula said…
Wot? You gotta get your ducks in a row! LOL
Keera Ann Fox said…
Gekk, in more than one way! :-) Thanks!

Paula, you have no idea how right you are...! :-D
Zuzana said…
This was fun, they seem to be arranged by some unseen pattern though.;))
Binauf said…
nice pic i like it
alice said…
Birds of a feather... :-D

Great pic!! I love gatherings.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Zuzana, it may be that birds have a "personal zone" like humans do. :-)

Binauf, thank you, and thanks for dropping by!

Alice, you quack me up (you saw that one coming, didn't you).

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