Wordless Wednesday - All that glitters

Wordless Wednesday


Tom said…
The famous Norwegian glitter fish?

(I'm sure you'll tell me the utterly unpronounceable Norwegian name!) ;)

Paula said…
That is a cool pic ... they blend in with the rocks around the edges so you can't tell which is what. :)
JD said…
My magpie nature loves these shiny fish!

(CAPTCHA word: whirk. I think I'm going call "work," "whirk" from now on)
Zuzana said…
Wow, they are getting ready for Christmas I guess.;))
Keera Ann Fox said…
Tom, say "pirayah". That's the Norwegian for piranha. ;-)

Piranhas. Who knew they were so pretty, huh?
Tom said…
Thanks, Keera!

Just for your interest and pronunciation's sake, our state fish is the Humuhumunukunukuapua'a.

Keera Ann Fox said…
LOL, Tom! You win! Norwegian can't top Hawaiian.
alice said…
I wonder how they taste... ;-D

(OK, maybe I'm overdue for some seafood in the diet...)
Keera Ann Fox said…
According to this article: Delicious!
alice said…
No kidding! Ha! And here I thought I was just being silly! ;-)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Thanks to you, Alice, I've learned something new, myself. :-)

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