Partying in purple paisley

It wasn't my night last night. The night belonged to two very nice co-workers who were both hired November 1 1984. 50 people enjoyed a lovely meal, speeches, entertainment, conversation, a bit of dancing and a lot of wine. But as their guest until about 2 am, I was thoroughly enjoying myself. And my outfit.

I tried on clothes on Wednesday, only to discover that I'd "outgrown" my favorite party clothes, and wasn't terribly thrilled with the alternative left me. I spent Thursday looking for alternatives. With the exception of the V-necks and lovely purples, there is little about the current fashion that attracts or suits me - or fits me (skinny jeans really are for the skinny-legged). And a bum shoulder also meant I couldn't even get some garments one. I did buy silver-colored leggings (or tights, as they are literally called in Norway - often misspelled as thights which also makes sense); I figured if I didn't like them, I could still use them for yoga.

To my surprise, the silver leggings looked good on me with an old purple blouse I had. Together with dressy sandals and heaps of jewelry, I had an outfit on Thursday that worked.

Until I woke up at 2 am Friday morning with my thoughts racing. That's when I realized that I may have to go back to my original alternative, because I wasn't entirely comfortable with the outfit I had put together. I plugged in an audio book and managed to silence my own brain by paying attention to someone else's. Eventually I got some sleep, but it was the wrong night to lose sleep since I was going to be up late later.

A quick dash back into the stores during office hours, and I found a tunic in a riot of purple colors and paisley patterns. It wasn't the sort of thing I wear at all, but it looked OK in the dressing room mirror. I bought black velvet leggings to wear with it, and it looked better than OK.

The classic black dress in all its variations shows up at every party. Last night I got a lot of nice compliments from both men and women for my colorful choice. And I have to say I was quite pleased with having found something both fashionable and attractive - at my age and weight.

Still want to wear those silver leggings in public, though. I have a plan…


alice said…
Well done! You have way more patience for shopping than I do...
alice said…
Oh, and black velvet leggings?!? Wow. I bet they're fabu.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Thanks, Alice! It does help to be motivated - and yes, fabu leggings. :-)
Zuzana said…
I so recognize this; I buy something that looks good in that moment in a store but it just simply doesn't feel right later on.;)
I know what you mean about being comfortable in a piece o clothing; almost anything will look good on us if we like wearing it ourselves.;)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Yes, when women say they have nothing to wear while staring at a closet stuffed with clothes, they are really saying they have nothing they feel good in. I really hate that feeling, myself.
SolSionnach said…
Now, if only you had a patch of purple hair. THAT would've been memorable!

(says she with patches of purple hair...)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Oh, I was memorable with mousy brown. ;-)
Beep said…
What a beautiful top. I was looking for something like that at a really inexpensive store that promised they would still carry my size even with their "new arrangement" where they group their clothing according to "lifestyles" bleh; of course they are now out of my size in every single "lifestyle." I should learn to sew but it's actually too expensive once you buy fabric etc. And just me alter a pattern; I don't think so; I'm afraid of making mistakes cutting out paper dolls with my little niece. I am not "crafty" unfortunately. I am auntie-spilled-the-glue funny.
I kind of like the idea of dying my hair purple. Then people will stop urging me to get highlights, which are not only too pricey but too damaging for the uberfine stubbornly straight strands I was born with (somehow they still manage to matte in my sleep.) Ok Libra fashion moment over ;)
Keera Ann Fox said…
If your hair is a stand-out, Beep, you won't have to worry about what to wear; nobody would notice. :-)

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