Wordless Wednesday - Happy Hour

Wordless Wednesday


Zuzana said…
I love crows, we have plenty of them here too. They appear so intelligent and are highly enigmatic birds.;)
The movie "The Crow" featuring Brandon Lee is one of my favorites.;)
alice said…
Are those crows? I was thinking magpies...
Keera Ann Fox said…
Protege, I love these kinds of birds, too, but haven't seen the movie you mentioned.

Alice, there's one crow. The rest are magpies. There are so many right now. This year's kids all grown up, before the harsh winter thins their numbers.
alice said…
That crow looks like a bit of a scold. But then again, the same can be said about most crows!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Yeah, it's weird. Up close, the brow on them makes them look fierce, but they aren't.

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