So there I was, waiting for the bus home, feeling sluggish because of an exhaustive round at my acupuncturist's . I leaned against the side of the bus shed, reading the latest issue of "Science of Mind Magazine" , idly paging through the daily affirmations. I started reading the accompanying text for today's: Sometimes it's easy to forget that there is only one volitional factor in the Universe, and that is Spirit. Easy to believe when things go well. Instead of feeling abandoned by God when things don't go well, the article suggests we focus on the above-mentioned core truth - one power, one source: Then we could say, "This must be good. It's all God, so let me look for the good." As I read that, a wailing ambulance drove by. I continued to hear it for a while, remembering that a friend had said that because of having to drive in and out of streets to get to the urgent care entrance, which was within view from my bus stop, you could hear the amb...