Wordless Wednesday - King of Pop

Wordless Wednesday


alice said…
Huh? I get that it's Michael Jackson, but where did it come from?
Keera Ann Fox said…
The 6 y.o. nephew of co-worker. We have all been rather fascinated by both his good artwork and his phonetic rendering of how a Norwegian child hears an English name. :-)
alice said…
It's amazing artwork -- especially for a 6-year-old!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Yeah. This picture is making the rounds. :-)
Zuzana said…
I think he got the Michael moves just right.;))
Sorry, I am bit late with commenting.;))
Keera Ann Fox said…
The exaggerated hand is wearing a sparkly glove. And I know you've been busy with family, Protege. :-)
SolSionnach said…
Wow - a 6 year old?
He's def got the Jackson moves down. And I did catch that it was the sparkly glove...

(Going out of town tomorrow. Will email soon...)
Keera Ann Fox said…
Yeah, 6. I really like his drawing. (Enjoy out of town trip, Sravana.)

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