Wordless Wednesday - Happiness is…

Wordless Wednesday


Tom said…
It looks like coffee to me in which case - bleagh! If it's tea, then it's true happiness!

What's the story behind the mug?

Zuzana said…
I love coffee.;) And if it is coffee, happiness is indeed a hidden, solitude moment with a good cup of it.;))
Tom said…
Oh no, the world is coming to an end! ;)
Keera Ann Fox said…
What Protege said, Tom. :-) Sorry, my dear Englishman, but it is blessed, hot and fresh coffee in a roomy, good-to-hold mug on a bright, sunny morning demonstrating warmly that neither winter nor gloom lasts forever.

The mug is one of a pair which, when stacked, create a continuous picture (with a jolly crab on the other mug). It was a happy impulse buy.

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