Wordless Wednesday - Perforated

Wordless Wednesday
Sculpture outside the main mail processing and distribution center, Bergen


Unknown said…
Beautiful colours!
And an interesting statue.
Is there a deeper meaning behind it?
Zuzana said…
Interesting; it seem like it is a rusty metal art. I like the contrast of the dead iron and the green nature.;)
Keera Ann Fox said…
It is art, yes. And with a clue in the title and the art's location, I'm sure you guys can figure out what it represents. I'm not telling you just yet!
Zuzana said…
Hmm, I have been thinking but the only thing I can come up with is a perforated slip, you know one of those you tear away to open an envelope.;))
Keera Ann Fox said…
Think postage stamps...
Zuzana said…
Ha, of course! It is the postage stamp end, right?
Keera Ann Fox said…
You're making me feel old, dear. :-) Am I the only one who remembers buying sheets of postage stamps? See, one is torn off at the top right already!

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