Wordless Wednesday - Willow

Wordless Wednesday


Zuzana said…
Beautiful. In my Slavic culture this is not just a spring sign, but very much a symbol of Easter.;) We always had willow branches at home around this holiday, when I was a child. Thank you for bringing back that memory.
Keera Ann Fox said…
You're welcome, Protege! They are a sure sign of spring here, too.

These are the female flowers, called "pusekatter" (kittycats) in Norwegian, while the yellow male flowers are called "gåsunger" (goslings). Is it the same in Danish?
Sparkling Red said…
I love willows. And I live in a part of the city called "Willowdale".
alice said…
Oh, I miss the pussywillow! I don't think they grow down here in the South, but they were a beloved sign on spring back home in the arctic Northeast!
Keera Ann Fox said…
Spark, that sounds charming - and a bit Tolkienish. :-)

Alice, I think I would miss them, too, because they are a key part of my childhood: The first house we had in Norway had a huge male tree at the top of the driveway.

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