P(h)unny physics

I rediscovered an old favorite, User Friendly, and started poking around in the archives. I came across this:

I got the joke/pun and laughed out loud, but then I started wondering what a brane actually was so I went a-lookin' (using define:"whatever" you need defined without the "" in Google's search box) and found this definition at good ol' PBS:

brane: any of the extended objects that arise in string theory. A one-brane is a string, a two-brane is a membrane, a three-brane has three extended dimensions, etc. More generally, a p-brane has p spatial dimensions.

P-brane. LOL!


Peabrain. Oh, those physicists!

I wonder what a no-brane(r) is? *gigglesnort*

Whadya mean, I must have one?


Sparkling Red said…
Wow. That one went right over my head. I must have a P-brane.
Keera Ann Fox said…
I have no clue what string theory is. Something tells me it ain't about how you lace your sneakers. But then again, maybe it is. I just like puns.
Victoria said…
I dont get it. Like Sparkling it went right over my head.
Keera Ann Fox said…
OK, I've got to know from you two: Is it the User Friendly comic that's not working, or my, uh, explanation/own silly pun?

IMO, it doesn't really matter if you don't get physics, since all you need to know is that "brane" rhymes with "brain" and the undead with cravings = zombies. Well, that's all I needed to know.

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