How to predict the season's weather

I just bought a book, Astronomy, Weather, and Calendars in the Ancient World, partly because of the introductory chapter. There, a method for "borrowing days" to predict the weather was mentioned:

The weather on the day before the winter solstice forecasts the weather for the first month of winter, the weather on the day of the winter solstice itself forecasts the weather for the second month of winter, and the day after the winter solstice forecasts the weather for the third month of winter. This method applies to the summer solstice and equinoxes, too.

Today we have gorgeous sunshine here in Bergen, and I'm hoping that'll keep be the case all weekend, too. Winter solstice (0 degrees of Capricorn for you astrologers) is on Dec. 22 where I live.


SolSionnach said…
12/22 here, too, at 12:10am. But it's still the 20th here, so I guess tomorrow's the big day.

It would be interesting to look back at the equinox, and see what that looked like.

It's warm and sunny here currently - 78 F and I have the windows open to a nice, dry breeze. Tomorrow's supposed to be much the same, south breezes, high of 76F.
Saturday = cooler, high of 70. That would be 1/22/08-2/22/08.
Ten deg F cooler on Sunday, still sunny.

So, we aren't going to be having any rain all winter (not a good thing!), and it's going to be unseasonably warm for a bit, then cooler. :\

I'd prefer some frigid days, myself.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Well, we got overcast, bitter weather and today rain retuned along with increased winds. I hope tomorrow is sunny. :-)

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