Goal... goal... goal... GOLD!

My upstairs neighbor yelled and stomped his feet so loudly, I heard it from my kitchen and realized instantly that something had happened on tonight's soccer match, so I left my dishes and turned on the TV. I discovered my neighbor had yelled as our team ended the 1-1 score with a 2nd goal, and then, just seconds later, a third.

Our local soccer team, Brann, has not won the series since 1963. But tonight that changed. After a brilliant season of only four not a single lossed lost matches (just the rest wins and ties), Brann won a defining home match tonight 3-1. We're gonna be partying all week and for the rest of the month! The town I live in will never be the same. And neither will the team's official song. They're going to have to rewrite the verse about winning last in 1963.

Heia Brann!!!

PS: I keep having to edit this post. Which doesn't surprise me. a) I don't use spellcheck, b) I know nothing about soccer or our team, c) except that our team tends to screw up royally, and d) Not this year, they won't!!!


SolSionnach said…
I know you're excited, but that should be "lost" match, not "lossed". ;) ;)

Nothing like being bilingual, eh?


Keera Ann Fox said…
Thanks for the proofread. Fixed!

I just saw a couple of other neighbors on the TV, being interviewed at the stadium. I wonder if I'll get any sleep tonight?
Anonymous said…
Wheee! At least if you lose sleep it will be for a good cause! :-D
Keera Ann Fox said…
True! I will be proud to lose sleep over this one!
SolSionnach said…
I lossed a day today. Funny thang..

go team!
Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…
Gullet ska hem!! Men no må vi lage ny sang...

"Ja visst faen skal vi det som i 2007" liksom? XD Hehehe... Humor en viss plass... gleder meg til imorgen. KLEM fra en liten luring
Hils monsterbeina

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