It's all in Japanese
I was surfing the worldwide web and my own bookshelves, looking something up for a friend. I therefore became reacquainted with the Japanese term "sanpaku" , which means "three whites", i.e. the whites in your eyes show up on three sides, not just two. The third is either above or below the iris. Sanpaku shows imbalance, whether physical or spiritual, and so warns of failing health or an otherwise unhappy life which can lead to an untimely death. Apparantly, cats can have sanpaku eyes, too (though I suspect these critters were merely photographed with their heads tilting down). Which was really what I wanted to blog about, but then Blogger consistently offered up all of its links in its Dashboard in Japanese. Now, I'm familiar enough with posting to Blogger to know what the mysterious links actually do (and the color-coding helps, too), but I hadn't experienced the Japanese "glitch" with my browsers at home. I could manage a post, but I coul...