All the little blessings
All the little blessings add up to one wonderful day. Interestingly, yesterday morning's affirmation involved seeing and experiencing love in everything.
Thank you, God, for the love I experienced. Thank you for:
…easily finding everything at the grocery store
…the money in my account that let me afford all that food - and a cash withdrawal to boot
…making the tiresome trip home, carrying four bags of groceries, pulling another heavy two in the wheeled shopping cart, surprisingly easier than I expected, especially up that last long hill
…my strong arms, back, legs and lungs
…not letting it rain at all during my haul home, considering it had rained just before and was to come down in buckets while I was putting the groceries away
…the room in my fridge for this food
…the friends that are coming to eat all this food. A huge thank you for that.
…the patience I could give a neighbor for not cleaning out the lint trap in the communal dryer, because I had learned the day before that she has back problems
…the other neighbor who will take care of my turn to do the communal duties (washing the lobby, hosing down the walkways) while I go on vacation
…this morning's hug from another neighbor/friend at the bus stop.
And thus starts my vacation, which means I take a break from my regular life, and that includes e-mail, Yahoo groups, Usenet - and Blogger. Sorry 'bout that.
Have a bitchen summer (as a friend wrote in my high school yearbook)!
Jeg oxo gleder meg til imåro. Så mye at jeg fortalte alle om det på jobben. :-) Får se om det blir pizza etterpå? Må jo mase litt sammen. KLEMZ!
I will take lots of pics, Paula. I have two 1Mb memory cards and two sets of batteries for the camera. :-)
Vacation has officially started! WOOHOO!
I'll miss your blog, Keera Ann, and will look forward to reading it again when you return from your vacation. Have a wonderful, relaxing time.
Joe, now you have me thinking of you!