Been there, done that (BTDT) is a phrase often heard (and often joined with "Got the T-shirt"). My books show me an interest in astrology, palmistry, auras, healing, reflexology, ayurvedic medicine, macrobiotics, psychic phenomenon, pendulums, chrystal healing, aroma therapy, the tarot, yoga, reiki, UFOs, chakras, automatic writing… All collected over many years since I was 18, and all more or less tried out. I came of age in the 1970's, during a high time for New Age matters, and a renewal in something else called New Thought. I ran to psychics, astrologers, palmists, sometimes wishing I had their gift. As a young woman who was confused and clueless about her future, it was easy and fun to seek out answers that way. And for this budding yogini there were also any number of spiritual teachings to check out and sort through. Over the years I have been told I am an old soul, formerly an Egyptian priestess, a bitchy 13-year-old prostitute with bad teeth, a communications off...