Labels: Duh.

A friend commented that he didn't bother with labels on his blog. And I realized I had forgotten that other choice: No labels. Kind of like there's nothing on TV and you keep switching channels, totally forgetting that other option: The "off" button. So I have removed labels.


Tim said…
Recently using them myself, I haven't decided entirely if I want to keep doing so or not. I figured I'll give it several months as see . . . then if I feel it's not contributing to my blog at all, or is taking up too much space in the menu, then they're gone.

- BTW - did you get the "nice" little lightning show we got down here last night? It knocked out power all over Stord & Bømlo, not to mentioned caused a few ferries to be docked for a few hours until power was restored and people could actually see where they had to go. Almost reminded me of some of the Tennessee-style thundershowers / storms.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Yeah, we've been having thunderstorms here; they came and went all day yesterday, which is a bit unusual for this part of the world. Yesterday, the power here blinked just enough to set my clock radio flashing (no battery in it). But we had nothing like what you guys had!
Paula said…
I don't use 'em on Ultrablog. Tried once when I switched to Beta the other day, but they annoyed me.
Keera Ann Fox said…
I'm not organized/focused/OCD enough to use labels. Odd that it took someone else's "no" to make me realize I don't have to use them.

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