Not my tragedy

The world is in mourning this week, if I go by bloggers, newscasts and chat groups. A known TV personality and animal conservationist has died while making a new TV-series and many are talking/writing about it, mostly with much sadness and sense of loss. I do not share this sense of loss and, from what others say to me, that's wrong of me.

Look: A lot of people liked this particular person; I didn't and so never watched his shows. I try not be a hypocrite, so I'm not going to say I'm sad when I'm not. It's not my tragedy - it's his loved ones' tragedy. Some other time, a celebrity I care about will die and I will be momentarily saddened by that person's passing, but nothing like what I feel when someone I actually know passes. And I think that's right of me.


Deadman said…
Well said. I think Irwin's passing really hit hard some of my ANZAC blogger friends (especially their kids) cuz he was their countryman and an Australian icon. And cuz they felt it so strongly, I feel it a little. And I think that is also right.
Keera Ann Fox said…
I'm not saying don't grieve for the man if you really miss him/care he died. I'm saying don't expect everyone to care (as much) whether it's him or some other celebrity.
Deadman said…
Yeah, got that. That's why i said "well said".
Keera Ann Fox said…
Thanks. My comment was in light of your reaction to ANZAC reactions. :-)
Paula said…
I got a couple smacks when I said that I didn't care when Johnny Carson died. He meant nothing to me. Steve Irwin entertained me a little, so I felt a little sad over him. Plus he was only 44 and left young kids without a dad. Carson was already old and sick.
Keera Ann Fox said…
I'm sorry that Irwin's kids will grow up without their dad; I still don't like him. I didn't care for Johnny Carson, either. I was really sad when Dennis Weaver died. Him I liked and he was associated with my childhood in a way that made me feel an era was over for me. I was very sad when Norway's King Olav died; I didn't care one way or the other that Princess Diana died though I was sorry for her kids. I'm sure I'm a heartless bitch with all the wrong priorities. Or not.
Anonymous said…
Det er et godt poeng i det du sier. Eg blei litt lei meg når eg fekk vite det... Han var helten min når eg var mindre:P Men var det uansett hans tur, så var det like greit at han døde mens han gjorde noe han likte ^_^ Syns du det e rart at eg blei veldig lei meg når Humlesnurr i Harry Potter døde? Han er jo ikke ekte engang! hehe
Kos said…
My kids really liked to watch Steve Irwin, so I feel bad for them. They were really bummed. When guys like Carson die, it's a different kind of sadness for me. The "old guard" of comedy and entertainment are nearly extinct. I grew up watching them (some in reruns). There was a certain class and style I associate with them that's dying with them. When Frank Sinatra died, it really hit me. We're losing a generation, and that bums me out.

But on the bright side, I now know that stingrays can kill you, so I'll avoid them from here on out. Thanks, Steve!
Deadman said…
It doesn't matter what our sentiments are, we will piss someone off. Like when i said I was posting about victims of 9/11 and some asstard took it upon himself to insinuate that I don't care about everyone who has diued since 9/11 in Iraq.

Peeps will always twist what you say if they want to argue.

I'm sure you are a very caring person, Keera.
Keera Ann Fox said…
Mark, I'm not always sure myself, but I try not to be a hypocrite.

AK, han fortalte kameraten sin at han hadde hatt sin beste måned i livet, noensinne, så selv om det ble dramatisk, tror jeg at han var lykkelig helt til siste slutt. Og klart at man skal bli lei seg når romanskikkelser dør! Jeg liker heller ikke når de tar livet av favorittene mine i TV-serier.

Jeff, that was the topic of Irwin's last show. I'm glad it wasn't a waste of time. ;-)
Sal said…
I'm sure I'm a heartless bitch with all the wrong priorities. Or not.

I've had a lot of family deaths to deal with in my lifetime. I'm a bit numb when it comes to grieving over deaths of people I don't much know. I don't watch TV. I didn't know Steve Irwin except for the uproar over him holding his baby whilst feeding crocs a while back. He was young. He left a grieving wife, children. I'm sorry for that, but I just can't drum up any feeling inside of grief over his death except for empathy for his family.

Hereabouts, a child dies. People pile pictures and teddy bears and what-all at the death site and chip in a fortune for a fancy funeral.

Give that money you just spent on teddy bears to the living, I always want to say. A dead child doesn't care about teddy bears and candles and chocolate. Give that money to a nonprofit that provides after school care or trips to the ballpark or grief counseling for the living.

Yah. So. I'm a heartless bitch too.

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