Took the day off to go with my grandma to the hospital. A one-day adventure for both of us. Neither of us are familiar with the hospital, really. Rather fun to see how they take X-rays, what the employee cafeteria is like, and seeing other sections of the hospital. We gals browsed the newsstand together, too. And all the news was good: Grandma's broken arm is all healed.

It's odd pushing someone around in a wheelchair. My grandma doesn't like going too fast, so I didn't move as fast I would without her. That gave me the sensation of being in slow-motion in a sped-up world, because everyone else was moving at their (my) usual pace. I also had to change my thinking when meeting others in the corridors, especially ones pushing hospital beds: I had to stop much earlier with a wheelchair than if I were walking, simply to make sure nobody had to swing; neither us with the wheelchair or the others with beds. I have no experience manouvering wheelchairs. I goofed a couple of times, but not badly. :-)

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